Open Cascade: let your future come today

Open Cascade, part of Capgemini Engineering, is a technology company operating in the industrial sector with a 20-year background of successful projects and long-term partnership experience. The company is on a mission to enable digital transformation across whole organisations and bring extra business value to the entire customers’ eco-systems.
Since its foundation in 1999, Open Cascade has been focusing on industrial 3D data processing and visualisation. Within time 3D has extended from a three-dimensional representation of an object to the single source of truth (SSOT) and has become the integral part of digital enterprise. However, many companies still experience troubles to generate, access, manage and centralise this type of data. Being a real expert in 3D, Open Cascade goes up to the next level and offers innovative solutions by integrating heterogeneous data coming from different sources and systems around light and intuitive 3D context. Thus, the company delivers a holistic 3D hub or a digital twin, where people can interact, communicate and make decisions with the same context awareness and accuracy as if being on-site.
To succeed and go ahead of the competition, Open Cascade brings together the best practices of both software and service business models and accumulates them in its platform.
“The Open Cascade Platform is our flagship technology for building end-to-end enterprise solutions, establishing true digital continuity and accelerating customer’s journey to a data-driven enterprise,” says Mikhail Kazakov Managing Director at Open Cascade. “With the help of the Platform we cover different steps of data acquisition, processing and analysis. At the next stage we enable our customers to use this data at full capacity by democratising 3D and making it accessible and comprehensible for all stakeholders involved in technological and (or) business processes.’’
Having all our 3D technologies unified and structured in the Platform makes it possible for Open Cascade to always start from a solid time-proven basis and drastically speed-up the delivering of end-to-end engineering solutions. “We take over the complexity of 3D and other heterogeneous data and let our clients and partners focus on their businesses,” says Kazakov.
Partnership with Waygate Technologies
Waygate Technologies, the world leader in industrial inspection and non-destructive testing (NDT), is one of the key partners of Open Cascade. The combination of unique expertise from both companies brings new breakthrough technologies to the market. In this project industrial inspection from Waygate Technologies and digital transformation from Open Cascade enabled the fast delivery of ready-to-use web-based application for rapid exploration of industrial computed tomography results to end-users of InspectionWorks Platform.
As a technology and business partner Open Cascade helps Waygate Technologies to optimise and enrich its flagship product InspectionWorks Platform which results in its high competitiveness and increased attractiveness in the market.
“We are very proud to work with Waygate Technologies – a recognised leader in industrial inspection and the company which drives Digital Transformation in this field’’ comments Kazakov on the successful cooperation.
“This is a great achievement that in tandem with Waygate Technologies we managed to bring together best practices, disruptive technologies and right resources to add value to InspectionWorks Platform and transform it into higher level IaaS (inspection–as-a-service).”