OTE Group’s 5G and networking solutions

OTE Group is one of Greece’s largest technology companies, offering a range of services including broadband, telephony, and satellite communications.
Among the company’s subsidiaries is COSMOTE, a mobile telecommunications services provider, which recently launched the first 5G network in Greece. Launching in December in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities, the aim is to cover 50% of the population by the end of 2021, and all highways by 2023.
The country’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the Minister of State and Digital Governance Kyriakos Pierrakakis conducted the first 5G video call, as part of efforts to improve technological infrastructure in the country.
In a press release, Mitsotakis said: “The topic of today’s meeting is not only of substantial content, but I strongly believe that is of a great symbolic meaning, because even though it is considered as a step towards the country’s ‘digital tomorrow’, it takes place exactly one day following the completion of the frequencies auction for 5G networks. In this way, the State, businesses and citizens, gain access to new possibilities that only high technology is eligible to provide. Our wish is to transform Greece into a destination, where people will be able to work and retire. And connectivity plays a pivotal role in this plan”.
OTE Group Chairman and CEO, Mr. Michael Tsamaz, stated: “5G, the future of telecommunications, is here and COSMOTE is the first to launch it in Greece. With the 5G network we are making a huge leap towards the Gigabit Society. COSMOTE 5G will be constantly expanding and improving, while the new spectrum will help us to "unfold" its unlimited possibilities. We are evolving Greece’s largest mobile network today, so that, tomorrow, citizens and businesses can do more than they had ever imagined. Through technology and innovation, we create a better world for all."
You can find out more about OTE’s work with Motor Oil in the latest issue of the magazine. OTE provides Motor Oil with a solution to modernise its corporate network, namely a Software Defined-WAN implementation. The SD-WAN solution provides a virtual WAN architecture, with users controlling and managing the entire system via software running on a central platform. With the implementation of the SD-WAN project, Motor Oil gained a simplified, fully secured network, with high availability and scalability to improve both the user experience and productivity.