Åsa Stoije
Head of Sourcing and Procurement, Ikano Bank
Having over 20 years’ experience in international and progressive functions, Åsa Stoije’s focus has almost always been on sourcing and procurement at all levels.
“I joined Ikano Bank in 2019,” she says. Before that I worked many years at Ericsson, Tetra Pak and at some other global companies in different industries and with different cultures and values. “It’s very exciting to be a part of the sourcing function because it spans over so many areas. Cost, quality and service, innovation and insight, Assurance of supply and risk mitigation, Corporate responsibility and how we can contribute to revenue growth and fueling growth with supplier innovation and much more. I am very interested in building relationships and partnerships for the benefit of the customer. At the end of the day it´s all about customer value. How we can create possibilities for better living and make an impact for the many people. It´s also important to drive scalable, effective collaboration, true business development. I also enjoy driving activities in a global environment and find it easy to work in a multicultural environment.
Stoije’s favorite thing about the financial industry is innovation and how the customer experience can be improved..
“There is a lot of fantastic things going on at the moment. There are of course many new regulations we need to adhere to and understand, as well as new directives, payment solutions and structures. and we must always improve customer experience while meeting all these challenges. It’s exciting, and digitalisation will help us to take the next step, so we can deliver new, innovative financial solutions for more of the many people and businesses.”
So what inspires her?
“Business development, progress and results inspire me - seeing that we are going in the right direction,” she says, adding: “But working with other people also inspires me and to have lots of fun. Procurement can be a tough and challenging environment. Only by working together we will reach our targets and create new possibilities for the business.”
And her proudest achievements?
“For me it’s ensuring the sourcing function is well established and integrated, and that interacts well with the rest of the company. I also believe it is important to reflect on day-to-day achievements, both small and large. We have fantastic cost reduction results, for example, as well as fantastic growth. But it is difficult to pick one single achievement from our brilliant team. It is dedicated to working towards the same goals and objectives.”
Read the full story HERE.
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