Harrison joined NWAS in 2019, but has worked in healthcare for most of her career. She has held project manager roles at Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cancer Network, and for the UK's Department for Health, as well as senior roles at NHS Quest and Haelo, where she was ultimately promoted to Director of Innovation before joining NWAS.
Of her current role, she says: "My job description is half about innovation improvement and how we work together with the directorate we sit in and all of its digital functions, but also the improvement team, the quality team safety, nursing, and clinical teams.
"Because of the past work I've done in improvement and innovation both regionally and nationally, I could really see how important technology was and how it was going to be what takes us to where we need to be but that we sometimes found it difficult in the NHS. I really came into this role to see if we can use the methodology around improvement and innovation in a way that helps us move more quickly in the digital space - that's my mission."
Read the full story HERE.
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