Susanne Arnoldy
Head of Digital for the Advisory business in Germany
Susanne Arnoldy has been a partner at PwC Germany for five years. Like PwC’s digital transformation strategy (see main piece), her role comprises two central elements. One is helping clients on their digital transformation journeys, e.g. Zalando. The other is she is part of the German Advisory leadership team and responsible for Digital Strategy, as head of Digital. That means she is working on both fronts of the DX strategy. “I’m driving those responsible for our own transformation but also the transformation of our customers’ service offerings,” she explains. She has worked for IBM and SAP, with some 23 years of experience in the tech business.
On leadership, Arnoldy says “It’s important to create trust in both directions, into my own team but also in the big picture. People are often working in more isolated situations and need better understanding on the specific contributions they are expected to make and how everything belongs together. And we are experiencing new ways of working being enforced upon us, so we are using e.g. new collaboration tools & methods, which has changed our known base. It requires empathy and effort to connect everyone.”
Read the full story HERE
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