How Machine Learning Works For Kount eCommerce Fraud Prevention Software
Kount’s proven machine learning solutions have been protecting online companies for more than a decade. Kount’s patented and proprietary technology goes to work with every transaction protecting both merchants and consumers from fraudsters. Data from billions of transactions around the globe is reviewed… The data is then transformed and fed into both supervised and unsupervised machine learning models for analysis. Unsupervised machine learning links “Bad Actors” together anywhere in the world and exposes fraud as it emerges. The unsupervised machine learning provides data that can be used in policy making, determining transaction validity, scoring, dynamic monitoring and so on. Simultaneously, supervised machine learning processes and runs transaction data through hundreds of models developed to show the relative risk and the relative safety of a transaction. Each branch provides deep insights into the legitimacy of transactions, logins, account creations, along with rich data, and continuous authentication. Kount’s unique process combines the best of technology like machine learning, with proven supporting technologies that align with your business policies and with human expertise for a perfect balance in beating fraud and boosting sales.