NTT DATA: Outdated Tech Holding Back Global Organisations

NTT DATA's report finds outdated and inadequate technology infrastructure is holding back organisations
Outdated technology infrastructure is hindering progress and innovation for the vast majority of organisations, reveals a new global report from NTT DATA

It's an all too common scenario – organisations invest heavily in cutting-edge technologies only to see their competitive edge dull over time as those technologies become outdated. A new report from NTT DATA has revealed the stark reality that outdated and inadequate technology infrastructures are holding back the vast majority of organisations.

The inaugural NTT DATA Lifecycle Management Report found that 80% of organisations agree outdated tech is hindering progress and innovation efforts, while a startling 94% of C-suite executives believe legacy infrastructure, in particular, is greatly impeding their business agility.

Lifecycle management a critical enabler of business success

The global research drew on 25 years of data insights from over 248 million active IT assets across 130 countries, along with surveys of 1400 senior tech leaders. It exposed the challenges organisations face as they struggle to maintain infrastructures amid rapid tech changes and an increasingly fragmented vendor landscape.

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Lifecycle management is a critical enabler of business success. Unfortunately, rapid modernisation, a shift to remote and hybrid working, and the proliferation of technology consumption models, coupled with an increasingly complicated and fragmented supplier ecosystem, make it difficult for many organisations to adequately maintain their technology infrastructure in a way that fosters business agility and innovation. 

Compounding the challenge, 69% of currently active hardware won't be supported after 2027. Yet only 51% of enterprises have fully aligned their technology approach with business strategy needs, and 71% say their network assets are mostly ageing or obsolete.

The consequences of mismatched tech lifecycles are severe – inappropriate coverage, labour-intensive renewals, extended troubleshooting times, security breaches, costly licensing violations and compliance issues.

“Infrastructure lifecycles are a critical part of the IT management process,” comments Gary Middleton, Vice President of Networking GTM at NTT DATA. “They represent an opportunity and a challenge for leadership, as effective life cycles can result in huge business benefits – from increased efficiency to fostering greater innovation. However, inefficient lifecycle management can equally be a meaningful operational blocker, posing numerous risks to security and business continuity."

To mitigate these risks and maximise infrastructure value, the report offers advice such as:

  • Developing a holistic asset view to rationalise misaligned lifecycles
  • Standardising procurement and streamlining multi-vendor environments
  • Optimising costs while improving service delivery
  • Capitalising on sustainability benefits of better lifecycle management

For organisations weighed down by outdated tech, enhanced lifecycle management presents an opportunity to escape those constraints and unlock agility, innovation and competitive advantages.

“Through the Lifecycle Management Report," Gary concludes, "our aim is to help organisations enhance their infrastructure lifecycle processes and unlock the huge benefits doing so presents.”


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